On the market square, around which the merchants and craftsmen settled, the city began to grow. Marktkirche was built in the XIV century and today it’s the most southern sample of North Europe Gothic and it is one of the main things to see in Hannover.
Inspecting Hannover attractions Marktkirche, pay attention to the church belfry: many centures ago its construction was interrupted due to lack of money in city coffers, and then, in haste, it was decided to shorten the top of the building and to erect the spire right on the part of the tower, which had already completed. However, this architectural improvisation was so successful that other architects even began to imitate it.
During the Second World War Marktkirche miraculously survived. All damages were liquidated on the post-war reconstruction in 1952. At the same time sculptor Gerhard Marx introduced the motives of the most tragic chapter in German history on the Marktkirche portal. Especially I was impressed by metal gates of the temple, decorated with bas-reliefs with images of tanks, soldiers and people who survived one of the greatest tragedies in human history.
Marktkirche is the burial place of the hero's 30-year war, Gen. Johann Michael von Obentrauta, aka "German Michel". He died in 1625 during the German-Danish war.
Today Marktkirche is still the most tallest building in the city center and forms his silhouette. The temple is open to the public from 10.00 to 18.00.